tisdag 21 juli 2009

Summer and a hang over.

It´s in the middle of the summer and the wind is blowing like a mad man!
I can honestly count the days this summer I´ve been out in the sun. Even though a great summer as it´s been.
My black hole is behind me and everything is looking up. Of course I still have some bumps in the road to deal with. But who wants to bother anymore.
What I realized the last couple of days is that it´s a lot easier to dig in to work than to actually think about doing something with your life.
So what am I going to do..
I´m going to work my ass of, sit at Doppio thinking about simple things and maybe, just maybe...
Maybe sometime in the fall I will have the time and money to runaway a little bit again. Home is starting to feel a bit small and useless.
Home is feeling a bit weird and unnecisarry. Let´s all get out and get a briliant hang over.

I am charlie. I dont get it! At all..

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